Here are the steps you need to take, assuming you are having the issue. Again, if you are not sure you are having the issue, refer to the post above.
- Check the current Schema version of ACS
- Open SQL Management Studio
- Run the query Select * FROM dtConfig
- Check the row with a comment called "database schema version"
- Make sure it is at version 7. If it is at version 7, continue. If not, do NOT do the rest of the steps.
- Backup your ACS Database (Mine is Called OperationsManagerAC)
- Find the SQL script called DbUpgV7toV8.sql
- Making the assumption you already upgraded ACS, you can find the script in C:\Windows\System32\Security\AdtServer
- Execute the script against your acs database
- You might have to give it a day or so before another partition is created. If you don't receive any errors, you should be good.